What is the California Consumer Privacy Act?
At Centier, we greatly value our clients and consumers and respect their rights to privacy. In 1972, the California Constitution was amended in order to include privacy as an inalienable right of Californians. To assist Californians in exercising this right, in June of 2018, California passed the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which grants Californians the right to request their personal information that a business collects, discloses, and/or sells, the right to request the deletion of their personal information, and the right to opt out of the selling of their personal information. The rights and information provided on this page apply solely to individuals who reside in the State of California (“consumers” or “you”). This page and information do not apply to personal information outside the scope of the CCPA, including: (1) personal information collected, processed, sold, or disclosed pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”) and implementing regulations, or the California Financial Information Privacy Act; and (2) personal information bearing on a consumer’s credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living as set forth in the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Centier also handles and uses personal information collected from its customers in accordance with our GLBA Privacy Notice.

Your Rights
Under the CCPA, California consumers have the rights to inquire about their personal information collected, sold, and/or disclosed; request the deletion of their personal information; and opt-out of the selling of their personal information. California consumers can exercise their rights under the CCPA by following the steps in order below.Right to Inquire About the Collection, Selling, and/or Disclosure of Personal Information
Step One: Does Centier have my personal information?
California consumers have the right to request whether we have collected, sold, and/or disclosed their personal information. If you would like to inquire whether we have collected, sold, and/or disclosed your personal information, please click here to submit your request. Upon verifying your identity, we will respond to your request with an affirmative statement on whether we have collected, sold, and/or disclosed your personal information. If our response is “yes” and you would like to inquire more about your personal information, please proceed to step two below.
Step Two: What are the details of my personal information that Centier has?
Upon submitting this subsequent request, we will disclose to you the following:
- The specific fields of personal information we have collected on you
- The categories of personal information we have collected about you
- The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information
- The categories of sources from which we collected your personal information
- The business purpose for collecting and sharing your personal information, including with third parties, is to offer products as services, process transactions, and to support the services that available through them.
California consumers have the right to request whether Centier has sold and/or disclosed their personal information subsequent to its collection. Upon receipt of a verifiable request, a business that sells and/or discloses personal information will disclose to you the following:
- The categories of personal information it has collected about you.
- The categories of personal information that the business sold about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to whom the personal information was sold.
- The categories of personal information that the business disclosed about you for a business purpose.
Centier currently does not sell the personal information of our clients or consumers. However, Centier does disclose the personal information of our clients or consumers, but only in the normal course of completing a business transaction. California consumers are still provided the ability to exercise their right to request whether Centier has disclosed their personal information. We will respond to all California consumers’ inquiries related to the selling of their personal information with a statement that we do not sell the personal information of our clients or consumers
Please click here if you would like to submit a request under Step Two.
Right to Request the Deletion of Personal Information
Step Three: I would like Centier to delete my personal information.
California consumers have the right to request that Centier delete their personal information. We are not required to delete personal information that is: (a) necessary to complete a transaction with you; (b) used for security purposes, to prevent fraud, to fix errors, or to comply with law; (c) reasonable for us to use for internal purposes given our relationship with you; or (d) compatible with the context in which you provided the information. The list of exceptions above is not exhaustive and we may also deny a deletion request as otherwise permitted by law. If you would like to request for Centier to delete your personal information, please click here.
Centier is proud to state that we do not sell the personal information of our clients or consumers. However, we reserve the right to alter our usage of personal information at any time.
Alternative Method for Submitting Requests
Centier does not discriminate against California consumers who exercise their rights under the CCPA. California consumers can exercise their right to inquire about the collection, selling, and/or disclosing of their personal information (Step One and Step Two), and their right to request the deletion of their personal information (Step Three) via the respective links outlined above. Requests can also be submitted by calling our Client Service Center.
Contact Our Client Service Center
Phone: 1-888-CENTIER (888-236-8437)
Hours of Operation (CT)
Monday-Friday: 7:00am-8:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-3:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am-3:00pm
Scope of Requests
If a California consumer submits a verifiable request to us and our search indicates that we do not have any records of their personal information, we will respond to their request stating so. Requests will be processed as the law allows. Keep in mind that the CCPA does not apply to information provided to us or that we have collected that is subject to GLBA or the California Financial Information Privacy Act. Each request may be submitted by a third party on behalf of a California consumer. We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within 45 days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), we will inform the consumer of the reason and extension period in writing. We reserve the right to deny the processing of a consumer request if it is unreasonable or excessive. A California consumer may only make a verifiable consumer request for access to personal information twice within a twelve month period. Responses to each request will only be based on the personal information collected, sold, and/or disclosed on the California consumer within the preceding 12 months; therefore, in order to be eligible to receive a response to the request, the California consumer must have been a California consumer within at least the 12 months preceding the date the request was submitted. Our privacy team is happy to answer any questions and can be reached by emailing [email protected].
If you would like to learn more about our collection of personal information, please read our Data Collection Notice.